Thursday, January 19, 2012

Internship Readiness

-Which of these skills do you anticipate you’ll get to display first?
 I hope to display my trouble shooting skills first. I'm very efficient at realizing a problem, finding the source of the problem, and using the entirety of my skill set to fix the problem and make sure it does not happen again.
-What is one question you have at the front of your mind as you approach internship?
The big question I have is whether or not the company is hiring. I would love nothing more than to get a full-time job out of this internship, and it would be so great to get that at my actual internship since my superiors already know my skills, and I'm already acquainted with all of my fellow colleagues.
-What kind of office environment do you hope to work in?
I would love to work at a casual environment like Twitter or Mozilla. Though I enjoy wearing professional attire, I'm just much more comfortable in cargo pants and a t-shirt. I believe that comfortability plays a key role in work output. 
-How do you plan to stand out while at your internship?
I plan on being the guy that will do absolutely any extra work needed to help increase productivity. If there's any extra task that requires doing asap, I will always volunteer myself to complete it.

Monday, January 2, 2012

I Should Be Asleep Right Now

It's the day before class starts again at around 4:30pm. I feel like I didn't spend my vacation time wisely, and that I need to go back and redo it. That's just an excuse to have another nine days off though, as I would probably spend that imagined vacation time exactly the same as how I spent this one. I'm just worried I'll fall asleep in class tomorrow. I better have an extra cup of coffee in the morning.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Just In Time

December 24th and I finally finished my Christmas shopping. Yeah it's super late, and yeah Target was the most crowded I've ever seen it. It just gave me reassurance that there are a plethora of ill-prepared individuals just like me. I'm just happy I was able to actually get it all done.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Captains Log

It's only two days into my vacation and already my sleep schedule is messed up. I find myself falling asleep at 3am and waking up at 11am the next morning. These shenanigans have to stop soon, or else I'll be doomed when my vacation is over.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Final Stretch

First fourteen weeks are down, and only seven short weeks to go. Everyone seems to be saying that these last seven weeks really focus on internship readiness. What does internship readiness mean you may ask. Well, I believe that it's just like any other promotion in a career. If a person in my situation is internship ready it means that they were given certain responsibilities to upkeep as well as a set attitude and demeanor that must be present at all times.

I believe that I am internship ready, an I'm not the only one. Both of my evaluations were extremely positive and assuring of my skills and attitude. The only piece of "negative" feedback in my evaluations was to just keep performing the exact way that I was an am, and I will continue to do so. I will continue this by helping myself as well as my colleagues around me, being as punctual as possible, being accountable an responsible as possible, and always keeping a positive attitude. If I keep up the way I've been for the last fourteen weeks (and I'm sure I will), then I should have no problem in the transition into my internship.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

It Was The Best of Times, It Was The Worst of Times

Everyone who's had a job has had a job that they disliked. I believe that it's much more common to have a bad job than a good or decent job. Out of the three jobs that I've ever had, I disliked all three. However, the one that I disliked the least would have to be my flower delivery job. There's many reasons why I disliked it the least. For one, who can seriously get mad at delivering flowers all day? You're dealing with flowers, and all you're doing is making people's day. My average day at the job consisted of sweeping up for about fifteen minutes, looking over delivery orders for the day, planning out the best routes for delivery, and simply driving around town for hours putting a smile on people's faces.Given the right circumstances, it can be one of the best jobs ever.

I think that that everyone at some point has had the dishonor of working in retail. I've never heard of someone having a pleasant overall experience with their retail job. This statistic includes myself. Once upon a time, I worked at a little place called Safeway. I only worked at Safeway for seven or so months, and I worked harder than everyone else that had the same position as I did. However, despite my hard work and dedication to the job, I got absolutely no where in the "careerical" totem pole. My hard work was only rewarded with more (terrible) hours and tasks that weren't in my job range and did not come with any added benefits or pay. I think it's safe to say that if you want to absolutely go no where in your life, a retail job is the right thing for you.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Destroy My Economy Once, Shame On You...

People say that history is bound to repeat itself. I believe this to be true even more so for huge events like wars, economy breakdowns, etc just for the simple fact that we remember things that have a bigger impact on us. I find the mural Frozen Assets by Diego Rivera to be very interesting. Though it was created regarding the great depression, it really could relate no any large economy breakdown. Nowadays, when people think economy many thoughts may pop up. One that applies itself more so than others is the Occupy movement. When I look at Frozen Assets, I think that Rivera must be some kind of time wizard to be able to create something that relates so strongly to an event that's happening eighty years in the future. What I see when I look at the mural closed off banks, people who've lost everything because of said closing, and huge, thriving corporations being built on top of those people. This directly relates to the Occupy movement in that the 1% is thriving and getting richer, while the 99% is getting poorer and poorer. I also believe that the closing of the banks could be taken as symbolic rather than literal. It could represent all that caused the 99% to become poorer than they'd like, which then caused them to Occupy. If you were to look at that situation that way, then the whole Great Depression could be blamed on banks and such.